Galway World Oyster Opening Championships
credit: Allana Hardie

Stranraer goes to Galway World Champs 2024

Scotland just competed in the World Opening Championships at Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival!

Neil Reader, of the Loch Ryan Oyster Company, proudly represented Scotland and of course Stranraer Oyster Festival at the world's longest running oyster event. This is the stage that Oyster Openers from all around the world aspire to be on and is a demonstration of their speed, technique, and artistry.

Here at Stranraer Oyster Festival, we hosted the annual Scottish National Shucking Competition on the 14th September in our marquee where competitors must shuck 30 oysters in the fastest time. Presentation is also extremely important as the judges then grade the oyster to restaurant standard. The ability to shuck an oyster cleanly without damaging the meat or shell is crucial and any mistakes will see time added on. 

Other competitors included Australia, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, USA, Latvia, Estonia, Canada, Singapore, Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, England and Finland. And the crowning World Champion of 2024 was Renars Purmails from Latvia!

The weekend included a trip to visit Kelly's Oyster Farm, a festival marquee with entertainment all weekend and of course plenty of opportunities to taste local Irish seafood. 

We caught up with Neil on his experience at the World Champs:

  1. Hi Neil, tell us about your job and your connection to Loch Ryan Oysters?

    I have worked for Loch Ryan and Rossmore Oysters for over 20 years. My job in Sussex is to purify, pack, sell and distribute the oysters around all of the UK and the rest of the world


  2. You just competed in the World Oyster Opening Championships - did you enjoy your experience and why?

    I was extremely proud to represent Scotland and Stranraer's fantastic oyster festival. The event was very exciting 


  3. Shucking is a serious sport! Do you have any secret techniques or tricks up your sleeve when you are competing?

    You really have to concentrate. A lot is in the presentation of the oysters on the board and a good sharp knife (Oh and don't enjoy the hospitality too much before!)


  4. Have you ever had any bad shucking injuries?!

    Lots of cuts over the years and a few deep ones. A squeeze of lemon to clean your cut and plaster and away you go again 


  5. Your competition was the best shuckers from all over the world – what does that mean to you? Were you nervous?

    To make the final in something you love is always special but to make a world final is the pinnacle of my shucking career. And yes I was very nervous the first oyster was shaking as I shucked it 


  6. You also competed this year with us at the Scottish Shucking Championships at Stranraer Oyster Festival - tell us what you think about that competition? 

    It's a great competition and a lot of fun. The prize is to represent Scotland and go on to compete against the best in the world - that's very exciting 


  7. You have attended many oyster events and festivals all over, tell us about what makes Stranraer Oyster Festival so unique?

    I’m very proud to be involved in the Stranraer Festival one way or another but what makes it special for me is the will of the Stranraer community to make it a success. The volunteer’s and the pride in which its done. The people are so friendly and I've made firm friendships. You are a firm favourite in my show calendar, if I wasn’t working I would definitely be attending 


  8. And lastly, although the Loch Ryan Oyster bed has been there for hundreds of years, it is only recently that people local to Stranraer have started to enjoy them. Do you have any words of encouragement for someone looking to try oysters for the first time? 

    Don’t be afraid, this is a natural product that nature has grown. It's pure and delicate, in flesh it's the sea in your mouth with a fantastic peaty after taste. Or as I like to say "It's like being kissed by a mermaid!". It is like nothing else on earth and you just happen to have the best oysters in Scotland... well I would say that but I firmly believe it to be true

Thank you Neil and a huge congratulations for making the World Championships!